I have a story I forgot to share yesterday. Well, afer I got home, I was talking on the phone with Abhu. I was in my room (my room’s at the second floor. In fact, the whole second floor is my room. But anyways….). in the middle of conversation, he said that he thought I was with my cousin at that moment. I said no, I was alone. And then he continued, he thought I was with my cousin (Uut or Yeni) because he heard a voice of a woman laughing. Really clearly. That was weird because I was alone, no TV, radio or any source of sounds is on at that moment. I then asked him, could it be the noise from the cell phone that made him think he had heard a voice of woman laughing?. He said no. the signal is very clear.
Well, I gotta tell you, at first I was being really calm about that. I wasn’t afraid. But then, a few moments later, I went downstairs to meet with the rest of my family, and all of a sudden I remembered a conversation I once had with Dini on the phone a few months back. Well, it was past 2 am if I’m not mistaken. That night, I got home waaaayyyy after my curfew. And so my mom had locked me out. I didn’t wanna wake her (cause I didn’t wanna make her madder), so I called some friends to help accompany me on the phone while I was waiting for the sun to rise. The third or forth friend that I called was Dini. Some time along the conversation, she said, “Well, they finally opened the door for you”. And then I said no, because I was still pretty much outside. ALONE. And then she said, well, she thought she had heard the sound of a woman laughing on my background. Wow. That sure kinda creeps me out. Well, just a little bit though. I didn’t really put any thoughts to that at all that night, or ever again….until last night.
When I told both of the two stories to my baby brother, he said that one of his best friend had also said that he find our home a little bit creepy. Well other than that, there’s also some “weird” stories about our home, all came from different people. Sometimes the stories do creeps me out. But more often than that, I just let it pass. I can’t really tell if I’m afraid of ghosts or not, mostly because I also can’t really decide if I believed there’s such thing as ghosts or not. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, I pretty much just try to keep an open mind about the existence of things that maybe I can’t (yet) to prove.
I mean, do SOME people had told us some spooky story about our home?. Yes
Did I ever encounter an experience I couldn’t explain in our home?. Yes
Were they scary?. Not really.
See…I mean, even if it’s true that there are “something” other than my family and me who’s living at our home, I guess it’s still ok cause they never really bother us. Right?.
Well, I will end this post with the picture of an outfit I’m thinking of wearing for tomorrow’s class.
Bye all
Vest (tucked in): Thrift market ($1)Skirt (worn as a top): Thrift market ($1)