Bag: Marc'O Polo, Thrift market ($5)

Love the skirt. love the pink leaf pattern.
The brown skirt is a great finding. it's practically new. look how beautiful the pattern is
i love the pattern in this skirt. the picture don't do it justice at all. in reality, the color is very bright.
I love the white shirt Dini wears because it kinda remind me of a farm girl. but the skirt definitely tone it down a little bit to the look of a chic collage girl off to work kinda look. again, we chose a floral print skirt. well, i personally will always be i n love with any floral prints.hehehehe
my favorite thing from this outfit is the shirt. can you guess the reason why?. ofcourse because of the very classic floral prints, and how the color can just somehow calms me whenever i see it.
Shirt: Rp.2.500, Pants: Rp.10.000, Earings: Rp.3.500
Shirt: Rp.5.000, Bag: Rp.20.000