Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008
Happy sunday
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008
Clashing/Steak/New sandals
Cardi: Thrift market ($2,5)
Skirt: Thrift market ($1)
Suspenders: Thrift market ($1)
Legging: Pasar Beringharjo ($5)
Nevada ($7)
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008
on another note, i finally had the chance to went out with one of my besties again on monday. her name's Putri. we went to ITC Ambasador. Putri's been away in a very long vacation to her home town, so when she said she's back in town, i was very excited to meet her again.
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008
Oh well
Senin, 18 Agustus 2008
Eating seafood with family
My cousin, my dad, my baby brother, and my mom
Bag: Thrift market ($2,5)
The flowers from the tree at Monas' park
There is also a section in the park with deers in it!...too cute!
What i was wearing
Cardi: Thrift market (Elle Sports, $1,5)
Bag: Thrift market ($1)
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008
With Thena again
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008
Thena and Dinda
Anyways, though Thena is not a fan of thrift shopping, I just gotta put her picture in the blog cause for me, her outfit was just super adorable, what with the rompers and cute bolero.
As usual, I’ll end this post by leaving you with some pictures of yesterday’s outfits.
This' what i was wearing when i first came to campus. i thought i just played it simple and save (though i know it's just too boring)
But came night time in campus, i decided to unbotton the vest and add a belt. it did make it looked a little better.
Dress: Thrift market (under $1)
Vest: Dini's
Belt: Ayu's
Brown skirt: Thrift market ($1 for three skirts)
Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008
Under $1?. really
Well, for today’s outfit, I’m going to try to incorporate Dini’s vest again with another one of my clothes…though I still don’t have any idea of what I’m gonna be wearing…well, I guess we’re just gonna have to see, right?
Vest: Thrift market (Under $1)
well, i do hope this can answer your curiosity. if not, please feel free to ask more to me and Dini. ;)
BTW, i was going to post some pictures from my day out with Dini today. but i don't know why, everytime i try to upload the picture it always fail. i'll try again tomorow though....bye, and good night.....
Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008
Dini and Dinda's day out again
Well, anyways, after the thrifting adventure we went to get lunch and then ended our day together at the coffee shop…there’s no better way to end a thrifting adventure than a big cup of iced coffee….
Skirt: Thrift market ($1 for three skirts)
Lovin the pattern in Dini's skirt....
What i wore yesterday
Blazer: Thrift market (under $1)
Shirt: My mom's
Yellow skirt: Thirf market (under $1)
Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008
Out with baby brother
Soto kudus...Yummy
Scallop satay, the side dish
This is what i was going to wear earlier......
.....But this is what i ended up wearing (decided to change the shoes and added a belt and jacket)

Pink top: Thrift market ($1)
Green tank top: ITC Ambasador (under $2)
Bag: Hands-me-down from Ayu
Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008
My very beautiful nephew, Fauzan

Vest (tucked in): Thrift market (under $1)
Skirt (worn as a top): Thrift market ($1)
Cardi: Thrift market ($1,5)
Bag: Thrift market ($3)
What i wore on sunday Dress: Thrift market (under $1)
Cardi: Thrift market ($1.5)
Bag: Thrift market ($3)