Not much to tell as i myself am in a bit dry phase....dry as in too lazy to tell any story. well, it's also maybe because i have nothing much going on lately. but anyways, it always makes me feel spirited to tell about thrifted outfit!. like the one i wore on the picture, i wore it yesterday when i suddenly became the driver for my mother. she had an invitation for a wedding reception, and i was in no mood to do serious make up-ing and dressing fancy, so i told her that i just drove her to the place and stayed in the car. tell you the truth, it was not boring at all because the other night i had no sleep at all. so while waiting for my mom in the party, i just fell asleep in the car.
White shirt: Thrift market (under $1) Black shirt: Thrift market (under $1) Bag: Billabong, thrift market ($2,5) Belt: Thrift market (under $1) Shoes: ITC Kuningan ($3,5)
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