Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Seafood with dearest friends

Yesterday Dini and me went to our best friend’s house, Ayu. Turned out yesterday was Ayu’s dad birthday, so to celebrate, the family took us to eat seafood. The food was all very delicious. Happy birthday, Om Budi.
By the way, regarding what I wore yesterday, it turned out that my outfit was quite weird because there was many eyes looked at me and kinda laugh, but I gotta tell you that I did not care at all, even when my baby brother said that my outfit was kinda weird. I mean, I guess it’s because I’m still in the process of finding my own personal fashion style, there’s so many style of fashion out there and I like almost every style, but I still wanna use every outfit as my own personal stye. So I guess there will still many chances in the future where I will wear another weird outfits, but as long as it’s unique and it’s my style then I won’t care. It’s true that I feel liberated by fashion, but more exact, I feel liberated by my own personal fashion style.

Shirt: my brother’s
Belt: my mom’s
Pants: my dad’s

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